Thanks for visiting my webpage! I’m Perry Dozier, your senator from the 16th Legislative District. The 2024 legislative session was my fourth in Olympia, and I am proud to represent the people of Southeast Washington at the statehouse.

There is much we can accomplish for our corner of Washington — for agriculture, for small business and for the people of the 16th. We face enormous challenges in rebuilding our economy after the COVID shutdown, everything from making sure unemployment benefits are delivered on time, to staving off the impact of crippling tax increases on small business.

But it’s what comes next that is most important. Creating a sound business climate, promoting educational opportunities from preschool to college, and ensuring that state government spends responsibly and wisely. In the 16th District, from Prosser to West Richland to Walla Walla, partisanship has never been more important than getting the job done.

I want your help in carrying on that tradition. I hope you will let me know how we can help. If you have a problem in your dealings with a state agency, or you have a comment or general concern about state government, please do not hesitate to contact my office, by phone, email or mail. Above all else, we are here to serve you.






Perry Dozier
Senator, 16th Legislative District

Important note: Written communications are subject to disclosure under the Washington Public Records Act.


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March 15, 2025

A budget… already? With no new taxes?

Dear Neighbor, If you’ve been hearing state government is in financial trouble and big tax increases are the only answer, I have good news. Even if you haven’t heard a word about Olympia’s budget situation… the news is still good. This week the two senators who serve as the Senate Republican operating-budget team did something...
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March 10, 2025

What’s this about an increase in college tuition?

This past week I had the pleasure of spending a few minutes with a group from the Girl Scouts of Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. There were so many visitors that we brought them into the Senate Republican caucus room, which is where we meet to go over bills and amendments before the debates and...
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March 01, 2025

Count ’em: 107 bills in two days!

I don’t believe unemployment benefits are meant to be paid to people who walk off the job and go on strike, yet on Friday the majority Democrats on the Senate budget committee endorsed a bill to allow that. To view the public hearing that led to the vote on SB 5041, click here. Dear Neighbor,...
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February 21, 2025

Who would oppose multifamily housing in rural areas?

Dear Neighbor, When legislators talk about the obstacles to increasing the supply of affordable housing in our state, the list always includes — at least for Republicans — the government regulations that make property development more complicated and costly than it needs to be. But there are forces outside government that get in the way...
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February 14, 2025

Here they come: one proposed tax hike, then another, then…

Dear Neighbor, The results of a recent survey of 600 Washington voters showed up in my inbox earlier this month. Most of the survey questions had to do with state spending, one way or another. That makes sense considering how years of overspending have finally caught up with the majority Democrats, and put state government...
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February 07, 2025

Protecting children from fentanyl exposure… will the third try work?

Feb. 7, 2025 Dear Neighbor, In each of the past two years, the state Senate has tried to make it a crime for an adult to expose a child to fentanyl. Both times, the House refused to allow its members to vote on our bill — which is unconscionable, considering how many children and even...
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I'm Here to Serve You

My job is to make sure your interests are represented in Olympia. If you have a problem with a state agency, or a comment or concern about state government, I want to know about it. Please don't hesitate to contact me via e-mail, phone or by mail. I look forward to hearing from you!